Conditioner without water – DOES IT WORK?
沒有水的護髮素 - 有效嗎? Water does not make hair shiny. 水不會使頭髮有光澤。 There is only one objective of conditioners – to enhance feel, appearance,...
Rinse-out conditioner – how much is wasted?
沖洗性護髮素——浪費了多少? Nobody knows how much conditioner is actually on your hair! 沒有人知道你的頭髮上到底有多少護髮素! The objective of shampoo is to wash away...
How to keep your scalp healthy?
如何保持頭皮健康? Good scalp hygiene is crucial to prevent scalp disorder issues and ensure healthy hair growth. What you can do : 1. Massage...
Sebum good or bad ?
Sebum is our natural oil for skin and hair 皮脂是我們用於皮膚和頭髮的天然油脂 Sebum is generated by the sebaceous glands in our scalp skin. Sebaceous...
A shampoo bar that gets over 10,000 reviews
This shampoo bar got over 10,000 reviews on AMAZON – lets check it out! 這款洗髮水皂在亞馬遜上獲得了超過 10,000 條評論——讓我們來看看吧! The first ingredient is...
Daily good scalp care save time and money
日常良好的頭皮護理可以節省時間和金錢 在家中定期和實際的頭皮維護程序,可以減少每周昂貴的頭皮服務中心護理。 ShamLulu 可以就這個問題幫助你! 大多數頭皮保養程序基本上有三個主要程序: (1) Cleansing 清潔...
What happen if your scalp pores are clogged?
Scalp build up 頭皮堆積 If your skin pores are clogged, you will have blackheads, whiteheads, and acne. If your scalp pores are clogged,...
All hair problems start from there
Your scalp 你的頭皮 It is very important to keep your scalp healthy because all the hair problems originated from there. Dandruff can be...
Not all bottle-less shampoos are equal
並非所有無瓶洗髮皂都是一樣的 There are two main types of shampoo bars: Soap based – Though they are mild cleansers, nearly all are highly alkaline. ...
Are solid shampoo bars same as liquid shampoo?
洗髮皂和液體洗髮水是否一樣? Both solid and liquid shampoo can cleanse your hair and scalp – just a matter of how harsh they are! No problem! One main...
Should I buy shampoo with OR without hair oils?
It is same as asking “Is it better to use dish soap that has good hand oil? 等於問問 “購買帶有護手油的洗潔精是否更好?” The main function of shampoo, shower...
Going to Water World at Ocean Park? You need more than sunblock!
Sunblock protects your skin. What about your hair and scalp which is most exposed both sun and pool water? 防曬霜可以保護您的皮膚。但暴露在陽光和泳池水中最多的頭髮和...
Most shampoos are not hair friendly
As both our hair and scalp are acidic, it is best to use hair care products that are of similar acidity level....
Why are hair perm or colouring damaging?
Both our hair and scalp are acidic. Optimal hair care products should be hair and scalp friendly in order not to damage your hair and...
Why we should not use soap to wash hair?
There is a good reason why people create shampoo for hair, rather than using traditional soap. 人們需要創造洗髮水,而不是使用傳統肥皂,是有特別的理由的。 (1) Regular...