Can hair oil replace chemical conditioner?
髮油可以代替化學護髮素嗎? Yes and No 是和否 The main objective of conditioner is to make our hair smooth, shiny and easy to manage. Both oils and...

Should I choose Penetrating or Barrier hair oil?
我應該選擇滲透髮油還是護髮油? Both, but everybody’s proportion may be different. 都需要,但每個人的比例可能不同。 Like our body, our hair also needs a balance of all...

Does hair absorb oil?
頭髮會吸油嗎? Yes, hair can absorb oil. 是的,頭髮可以吸油。 Yes, hair does absorb oil through the cuticle scales. For dry, porous, rough-feeling, or...

Does conditioner contribute to scalp aging?
護髮素會導致頭皮老化嗎? Conditioner is engineered for hair not scalp. 護髮素專為頭髮而設計,非頭皮。 Possible, if the conditioner is affecting the scalp pore and...

Does 2-in1 conditioning shampoo work?
二合一調理洗髮水有效嗎? Can conditioner and shampoo work together? 護髮素和洗髮水可以混合一起用嗎? This is shampoo made with conditioner. The objective is to save...

Conditioner without water – DOES IT WORK?
沒有水的護髮素 - 有效嗎? Water does not make hair shiny. 水不會使頭髮有光澤。 There is only one objective of conditioners – to enhance feel, appearance,...

Rinse-out conditioner – how much is wasted?
沖洗性護髮素——浪費了多少? Nobody knows how much conditioner is actually on your hair! 沒有人知道你的頭髮上到底有多少護髮素! The objective of shampoo is to wash away...

How to keep your scalp healthy?
如何保持頭皮健康? Good scalp hygiene is crucial to prevent scalp disorder issues and ensure healthy hair growth. What you can do : 1. Massage...

Sebum good or bad ?
Sebum is our natural oil for skin and hair 皮脂是我們用於皮膚和頭髮的天然油脂 Sebum is generated by the sebaceous glands in our scalp skin. Sebaceous...

What happen if your scalp pores are clogged?
Scalp build up 頭皮堆積 If your skin pores are clogged, you will have blackheads, whiteheads, and acne. If your scalp pores are clogged,...

All hair problems start from there
Your scalp 你的頭皮 It is very important to keep your scalp healthy because all the hair problems originated from there. Dandruff can be...