A shampoo bar that gets over 10,000 reviews
This shampoo bar got over 10,000 reviews on AMAZON – lets check it out! 這款洗髮水皂在亞馬遜上獲得了超過 10,000 條評論——讓我們來看看吧! The first ingredient is...

Not all bottle-less shampoos are equal
並非所有無瓶洗髮皂都是一樣的 There are two main types of shampoo bars: Soap based – Though they are mild cleansers, nearly all are highly alkaline. ...

Are solid shampoo bars same as liquid shampoo?
洗髮皂和液體洗髮水是否一樣? Both solid and liquid shampoo can cleanse your hair and scalp – just a matter of how harsh they are! No problem! One main...

Should I buy shampoo with OR without hair oils?
It is same as asking “Is it better to use dish soap that has good hand oil? 等於問問 “購買帶有護手油的洗潔精是否更好?” The main function of shampoo, shower...