Remedy for dry skin
Dry skin results from a lack of oil in the skin or the inability to preserve the natural oil on the skin. Some home remedies for dry skin include:

Use warm water and limit bath time 使用溫
Use mild fragrance-free non-soap cleansers 使用溫和、無香精、非肥皂的清潔用品

Avoid lotions that contain alcohol 避免含有酒精的乳液
Moisturize damp skin after bath with natural oils or creams 用天然油或護膚膏滋潤沐浴後濕潤的皮膚

Choose fabrics that are kind to your skin 選擇對您的皮膚友善的衣服
Cover skin in extreme climates 在極端氣候時要覆蓋皮膚