Our oil blends for skin
Oleic oils
richer and thicker oils
soothe irritated skin
suitable for dry, mature skin
not the best option for acne-prone or oily skin


Linoleic Oils
lightweight and thinner
absorb by the skin easily
oils with higher percentages of linoleic acid are beneficial in controlling acne.

Absorbing Lotion stick
linoleic oil
oleic oil
A higher proportion of linoleic oils will penetrate and moisturize inner skin layers. More suitable for oily or acne prone skin types. Non-sticky light weight feel.
Lotion stick
linoleic oil
oleic oil
A balance of oils that will penetrate skin inner layer while offering a barrier on skin surface to prevent moisture loss. Feel heavier than " Absorbing lotion stick" but lighter than "Shielding lotion stick." Mid weight feel.
Lotion stick
linoleic oil
oleic oil
A higher proportion of oleic oils will act as protective layer on skin to minimize moisture loss. Suitable for dry and mature skin. Heavy weight feel.